During the process of buying a property with your South of France surveyor, you are likely to need a survey carried out to establish its overall condition.


There are three main types of survey traditionally carried out on properties for sale – a Condition Report, a Homebuyer Report and a Building Survey, each with its own features and associated costs. For example, you can expect to pay at least £250 for a Condition Report, which will contain a brief assessment of the property’s condition, a service check on the provision of gas, water, electricity etc, and a summary of any risks which may be associated with the purchase.


Condition Reports are generally suitable for newer homes, and those without a lot of wear and tear. However, for something a little more comprehensive you may wish to have a HomeBuyer Report carried out.

HomeBuyer Report

This type of survey will set you back at least £350-400 with a further charge for the valuation. However, you get a lot more for your money, and can enjoy the greater peace of mind which comes with it.


You get a significantly deeper inspection than with the Condition Report. However, the inspection will generally be only of what is immediately visible to the inspector and won’t involve moving furniture or lifting floorboards.


The property will have a full valuation carried out, as well as a summary report on any problems present or likely to arise which may affect its value in the future. The valuation should also include an insurance reinstatement figure, which will inform you of the cost you can expect to rebuild the property, should it be completely destroyed.


Your HomeBuyer Report should also contain a complete itinerary of problems which need immediate attention, as well as advice on repairs and maintenance. The report will also lay out any legal considerations which should be borne in mind when completing the purchase, such as border disputes, or land fees.


Final Thoughts

If you are purchasing a much older property or one which requires a significant amount of renovation, you may want to reach for the most comprehensive of the three reports – a Building Survey. Prices for a Building Survey vary greatly, but you should expect to pay at least £750.


The Building Survey should contain everything you get in a HomeBuyer Report, excluding the valuation, plus additional features such as a detailed evaluation of each aspect of the property, summary of all defects and potential problems caused by even hidden flaws, advice on repairs, their estimated cost, and the likely consequences of failing to address them, and additional advice and considerations for your solicitor.


South of France Surveyor

If you need the right knowledge and expertise to help you make these important decisions, Charles Mackintosh has over 30 years of experience purchasing property in the South of France and can advise and guide you on every aspect of the process.


Please get in touch today for more information.